Helpline Numbers


Sr. No. Complaint - Regarding/purpose Contact Numbers
1 For Landline & Broadband service requests,complaints and queries Customer Care 1500 (from BSNL)
1800 345 1500 (from other operators)
2 SSA Wise inquiry number of complaints booked on 1500 (above) Shimla 0177-2628799
Solan 01792-226700
Mandi 01905-224432
Dharamshala 01892-226895
Hamirpur 01972-224544
Kullu 01902-222011
3 To register Grievances at Circle Level,in PG Cell 1094
0177-2622222 (out of Circle and other operators)
4 For Broadband data Services 1504 (Toll Free)
1800-345-1504 (from other operator number)
5 For Leased line services 1800-425-1957
6 For Mobile Services 1503 (from BSNL)
7 NDNC Registry 1909
8 Complaints booking through E-mails

9 Complaints booking through Internet
10 Complaints booking through Centralised PG Redressal and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS Portal)
11 Directory Enquiry No. 197
12 Address of Web based Complaint Monitoring System
14 Contact details of appellate authority

Sh. Charan Singh,PGM (CFA)
O/o CGM, HP Teleconm Circle, SDA Complex, Block No. 11, Shimla-171009.
T.No. 0177-2620440
Fax No. 0177-2628881
Email ID: